
Hör vad tidigare elever har tyckte om träningen på rEvo CCR!
Kirsty Morhain, Ireland
I completed my CCR Extended Range Trimix course with Sara in summer 2023 and it was honestly one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. She was super safety conscious with a high emphasis on developing skill muscle memory.
She also focused a lot on task loading and stress management which was challenging but really rewarding. Her passion for rebreather diving is infectious and really makes the program so enjoyable both underwater and in the classroom. I would highly recommend Sara as a rEvo instructor and cannot wait to complete more training with her when I've built up my hours and experience!
Dorothea Obwegeser, Switzerland
I recently completed my SSI rEvo Extended Range Trimix course with Sara in Rab, Croatia; and it was absolutely phenomenal!

Several months prior, I reached out to Sara with inquiries about women’s rebreather diving. Her enthusiasm and expertise immediately caught me, and she graciously offered a video call to address all my queries and provide insights into the rEvo and rebreather diving in general. It was evident from the start that Sara was the instructor I wanted.
Leading up to the course, we had several calls to configure my unit and to cover theory lessons. Sara also was always attentive to any questions I had.

In Rab, we quickly connected on a personal level (which is not difficult to connect with such a gold soul :) ). Sara not only stands out for her professionalism, engagement, knowledge about diving physiology, rebreathers and the rEvo, but also for her wonderful personality.
Each day of the course was filled with the unit setup, checks, theory sessions, thorough pre-dive briefings and debriefings and after-dive-rebreather-care. Sara structured the course dives effectively and demonstrated skills clearly, making them easy to follow. She fostered an efficient learning environment, allowing me to feel my progress from dive to dive and day to day.

I felt incredibly secure throughout all the dives, and all the knowledge imparted by Sara stayed with me on every subsequent dive (still!).
After completing the course and passing two comprehensive theory exams, we had the opportunity for some fun diving together to reinforce what I had learned during the course days.
What can’t be forgotten is, that next to all the focused course time, we had the most fun during our time off and got a lot of belly aches from laughing so much (thank you for that!).

Back home, as I regularly dive my rEvo and get more and more experience on it, questions still arise from time to time, and Sara is always super eager to help me out with answers and explanations. Having a specialist like her to reach out to anytime is immensely valuable.

Choosing Sara as my MOD1 rEvo instructor was undoubtedly the best decision I could have made. Not only did I gain a wealth of knowledge from her, but I also gained a cherished friend and dive buddy whom I wouldn’t want to miss anymore.

Tack Sara, for being my instructor and friend! You are the best!
Karin Persson, Sweden
Jag tog min rEvo kurs våren 2024 för Sara.

Jag har länge tänkt på rebreather och dess fördelar men tyckt att det ser lite bulkigt ut på tjejer. Tills en tjejkompis från England kom med sin rEvo Micro och då fick jag en annan syn på rebreathers. Dock fanns det just då ingen svensk instruktör och eftersom jag har dyslexi och vill ha all information så jag verkligen förstår ( på svenska) så har jag fått vänta några år.....

När det sen blev av så pratade jag och Sara om min oro för teori bland annat och jag insåg ganska snart att det va ganska onödigt. Saras sätt att lära ut kan inte vara mer tydligt. Med en entusiasm som smittar av sig oerhört!! har hon tydligt lärt ut vikten av säkerheten, den teoretiska biten, taskloading, maskinens konstruktion och uppbyggnad. Hon har omsorgsfullt satt en hög nivå på kursen där ingenting lämnas åt slumpen. Jag var i tryggt förvar både i och ur vattnet.
Känslan efter kursen är att jag känner mig säker och har den kunskapen jag behöver för att få den erfarenheten jag behöver för att kunna utvecklas som CCR diver.
Sara är inte bara en galet bra instruktör, en riktigt vass dykare med huvudet på skaft. Hon är spralligt glad med sjuk humor oxå😃

Jag måste säga att detta varit bästa kursen ever. På så många plan.

Sara är det självklara valet för mig när jag ska gå vidare i min utveckling som dykare.

Tack Sara för en grym kurs med allt runtomkring, du har gett mig självförtroende och stärkt mig som dykare.
Pontus Alen, Sweden

The rEvo CCR has some specific traits that makes it a robust and easy-to-dive unit once you have learned to handle it properly. Several sizes and small configuration options are available.

Choosing Sara as your instructor is a great way to get a deep understanding of the unit, diving theory and becoming proficient enough to dive the unit on your own with your buddies.

Sara is not only a great diver herself with profound knowledge of the subject, but also a very good teacher and mentor.

She is calm (underwater), understanding and an educationalist with the ability to explain a subject from several points of view to reach the student.

With Sara a good laugh and jokes are never far away, so expect the course to be a fun and memorable experience.